Calculate how much you can save by switching from paper towels to a JVD hand dryer.
Savings calculator
Your consumption
Daily use
Uses per day on average across 300 days/year
Rate per kWh
The rate per kWh of electricity in France was €0.1740 in November 2022 (regulated rate - 6 kVA - Base). This rate changes regularly and depends on various factors (power meter rating, pricing plan, deals, etc.).
Paper towel refill price
Average cost found to be €10 for a roll of 680 sheets.
Your savings
Cost of paper towels
Cost of hand dryer (depreciation over 5 years + power consumption)
Comparison between a Sup’air hand dryer and a paper towel dispenser based on 2.5 sheets per hand drying and a volume of 680 sheets per paper towel roll. The cost of our hand dryers includes the purchase price of a hand dryer, depreciated over five years, and its power consumption in standby and operating modes.
Environmental impact
Manufacturing and transporting paper generates significant CO2 emissions. Every time you dry your hands with paper towels, it generates 16 g of CO2 compared to only 2.5 g when using a hand dryer such as a JVD Sup’air. (Source: International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology)
Calculation details
Manufacturing and transporting paper generates significant CO2 emissions. Every time you dry your hands with paper towels, it generates 16 g of CO2 compared to only 2.5 g when using a hand dryer such as a JVD Sup’air. (Source: International Journal of Emerging Research in Management & Technology)
Comparison between a Sup’air hand dryer and a paper towel dispenser based on 2.5 sheets per hand drying and a volume of 680 sheets per paper towel roll. The cost of our hand dryers includes the purchase price of a hand dryer, depreciated over five years, and its power consumption in standby and operating modes.